I. Escoge el verbo correcto de cada frase.

  1. One of the players (was, were) selected for the all-star game.

  2. The children (is, are) playing outside.

  3. Economics (is, are) my favorite subject.

  4. (Do, Does) you have the books?

  5. All the furniture (is, are) going to arrive tomorrow.

  6. There (were, was) a party at Bill’s house yesterday.

  7. The people I saw at the theatre (was, were) all dressed in black.

  8. (Do, Does) he know about the test tomorrow?

  9. Mathematics (are, is) my least favorite class.

  10. All the money I earned (were, was) given to charity.

  11. The police (is, are) on the way.

  12. My biggest problem (are, is) thirty people are coming to the party and I only have room for twenty.

  13. The topic of these four books (are, is) cars.

  14. Greg, Dan, and I (am, are) on the same basketball team.

  15. One thousand dollars (are, is) not enough money to buy a new car.

  16. Ten one-hundred dollar bills (were, was) taken from the cash register.

  17. Watching sports (are, is) very relaxing and enjoyable.

  18. Everybody (were, was) surprised that they lost the game.

  19. Everyone said that the news (were, was) very positive.

  20. Five plus two (are, is) seven.

II. Escoge el significado de cada palabra.

  1. therefore a. abrumador

  2. however b. después

  3. generally c. asimismo

  4. because d. uno y otro

  5. overwhelming e. generalmente

  6. perhaps f. ulteriormente

  7. although g. así

  8. nevertheless h. por lo tanto

  9. subsecuently I. desde

  10. furthermore j. además

  11. afterwards k. por consiguiente

  12. so l. aunque

  13. likewise m. si no

  14. since n. sin embargo

  15. surprising o. mientras

  16. either p. acaso

  17. while q. a pesar de

  18. otherwise r. asombroso

  19. consequently s. no obstante

  20. despite t. porque

III. Escoge el pronombre correcto de cada frase.

  1. I gave the keys to (he, him).

  2. My brother and (me, I) play football every weekend.

  3. I have always wanted (we, us) to go to the same school.

  4. Ask (him, he) to give you a ride to the train station.

  5. Between you and (I, me), I hope to win.

  6. (Their, There) children are very happy.

  7. Our teacher gave (he and I, me and him) the toughest assignment.

  8. May I please speak to Johnny? This is (me, he)

  9. The teacher told (we, us) to be quiet.

  10. It was (he, him) who found the money.

IV. Escoge el significado de los modismos

  1. round up a. without waiting

  2. have a go at b. to behave badly

  3. gung-ho c. to try in every way

  4. call off d. serious trouble

  5. up in arms e. to get started

  6. watch it f. to try

  7. get to g. drunk

  8. deep water h. be able to

  9. chew out I. inattentive

  10. at the drop of a hat j. to collect

  11. around the corner k. fool around

  12. leave no stone unturned l. to cancel

  13. hop to it m. beyond one’s ability

  14. good grief n. soon to happen

  15. three sheets to the wind o. wow

  16. out to lunch p. to attack with words

  17. act up q. enthusiastic

  18. over one’s head r. to scold

  19. lash out s. angry

  20. goof off t. be careful

Answers: I:1) was 2) are 3) is 4) Do 5) is 6) was 7) were 8) Does 9) is 10) was 11) are 12) is 13) is 14) are 15) is 16) were 17) is 18) was 19) was 20) is

II: 1) h/k 2) n/s 3) e 4) t 5) a 6) p 7) l 8) s/n 9) f 10) j 11) b 12) g 13) c 14) I 15) r 16) d 17) o 18) m 19) k/h 20) q

III: 1) him 2) I 3) us 4) him 5) me 6) Their 7) me and him 8) he 9) us 10) h

IV: 1) j 2) f 3) q 4) l 5) s 6) t 7) h 8) d 9) r 10) a 11) n 12) c 13) e 14) o 15) g 16) I 17) b 18) m 19) p 20) k


Quote of the week: You were meant to achieve greatness. TW

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